Devereux has a friendly workplace culture and professional work ethic. We are an equal opportunities employer and are fully committed to providing equality of opportunity and to eliminating discrimination on grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origins, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age and disability. A full copy of our Equal Opportunities and Anti-discrimination policy is available on request.
We believe it is important to support charities, offer pro-bono work and contribute to the legal community in general where and whenever possible.
COMBAR Social Mobility Scheme
COMBAR's social mobility scheme is a mentoring scheme for applicants from groups who are under-represented at the Bar, and the Commercial Bar in particular. The scheme is an important part of COMBAR’s commitment to improving access and diversity in the legal profession.
The scheme pairs successful eligible candidates with practitioners from COMBAR member sets for a series of one-to-one mentoring sessions.
Devereux is one of 20 sets to have agreed to provide mentors and it is expected that there will be places for at least 250 mentees on the scheme across participating sets. Devereux, like all participating sets, has agreed to cover reasonable travel expenses for mentees allocated.
Bridging the Bar
Bridging the Bar’s vision for the future is a society where the Bar is accessible for everyone regardless of race, sex, class or other characteristics.
Devereux is proud to partner with Bridging the Bar to deliver interview and advocacy training to students in Chambers.
Contribution to the Legal Profession
Members contribute in multiple ways to the development and promotion of a strong and independent Bar and to the legal profession in general.
Marika Lemos is Secretary of the Revenue Bar Association respectively.
Colin Edelman KC and Stephen Killalea KC are both engaged in Middle Temple’s Advocacy Training programmes which trains students, pupils, new practitioners and new trainers during residential and non-residential weekend programmes and evening workshops. Colin Mendoza is an instructor and examiner at the Inns of Court School of Law, and contributor to the Schools Manuals on the skills of opinion writing and drafting skeleton arguments.
Robert Weir KC was elected as the Personal Injuries Bar Association chair from 2016 to 2018.
In addition to the above we participate in scholarship interviews to attract the best talent to the Bar.
Diversity Data
Devereux offers equal opportunities and we take our responsibility to collate and provide Diversity Data seriously. The most recent figures were collected in May 2024 and published in July 2024. The survey was conducted anonymously and participation was voluntary: 84 questionnaires were sent to both members and staff and resulted in a 68% response rate. The numbers relating to those who did not complete the questionnaire, ticked ‘prefer not to say’ or omitted to answer the question, are reflected under the heading ‘Not available’. Click here to view the results.
Further information on Equality and Diversity Rules and the BSB Equality Strategy are available on the Bar Standards Board website.
Environmental Initiatives
We recognise the impact that business has on the environment and we are committed to sustainability, responsible management of resources and social impact. We buy all our office stationery products from a company that was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise and Sustainable Development: an accolade for commercially successful products, services and management that benefit the environment, society and the economy. We only buy recycled paper for all our printers and copiers. Our goal is to ensure printing is kept to a bare minimum.
We recycle paper, cardboard, plastic and glass. We carbonate our own water for use in meetings and sanitise reusable bottles.
We donated our old telephone system, handsets and mobile phones to charities for the homeless and guide dogs and do not send any refuse to landfill, such as furniture.
Living Wage Employer
Devereux is a living wage employer and was amongst the first Chambers to pay its staff at least the London living wage. The living wage is an informal benchmark set independently and updated annually, based on the cost of living in the UK and is some 20% higher than the national minimum wage.
Pegasus Access Scheme
Devereux participates in the Pegasus Access Scheme and agree to take three work experience placements per year. Inner Temple launched the unique scheme in 2011 and provides work experience for university students with the aim of encouraging diversity and social mobility at the Bar.
Pro Bono
Devereux members are actively engaged in pro bono work across the employment, tax, and personal injury. As of 2024, 11 Devereux members feature in the inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales.
Devereux is a long-standing annual supporter of Advocate, the pro bono charity of the bar which acts as a clearing house, matching barristers prepared to undertake pro bono work with those who need their help. We do so both financially and through undertaking pro bono cases for those in need. Devereux works as part of the Chambers Pro Bono Framework for Advocate as one of their official participating Chambers.
Devereux supports the charity Free Representation Unit (FRU) through volunteering and donating annually. Individual members give up their own time, free of charge, to support the FRU. They provide legal advice, case preparation and advocacy in tribunal cases for those who could not otherwise obtain legal support.
Devereux is an active member of Pro Bono Connect, a project to establish a network of barristers and solicitors willing to work together on pro bono cases for individuals, charities and community groups who cannot afford to pay for legal advice/representation and for whom public or alternative means of funding are not reasonably available.
A number of our members also participate in the Foreign Office Human Rights Pro Bono Lawyers' Panel.
Social Mobility Foundation Bar Placement Scheme
Devereux is proud to support the annual Social Mobility Foundation Bar placement scheme. The scheme was set up to give talented students from low income backgrounds a flavour of life at the Bar. The scheme allows participating students to spend a week experiencing life at the Bar which includes 3.5 days with a nominated barrister.
Support Through Court
Every year, thousands of people in the UK face court alone. Often through no choice of their own, they must represent themselves in a moment that could determine the rest of their life. Support Through Court stand with those who have nowhere else to turn, providing a free service across England and Wales, offering support and guidance before, during, and after court.
As a Guardian, Devereux Chambers is enabling Support Through Court to plan ahead and further develop their service to reach even more people. Feedback from 2021/22 found that in 98% of cases the presence of their volunteers made people feel better prepared to go to court.
Supporting Charity
The members and staff at Devereux support a wide range of organisations through individual donations and charitable activities. They help charities raise money by playing a part in a variety of activities such as walks, fun runs and cycling contests. They participate in charity quiz nights, which raise money for people in need, and take tables at events such as the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) Legal Dinner which raises money for spinal cord injured people.
As a Chambers, Devereux has a yearly charity budget which supports organisations that promote access to justice.
Additional Information

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