- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- Consumer Law
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- ADR in injury cases
- Business Crime
- Inheritance Tax (IHT)
- COVID-19: Commercial Litigation & Disputes
- Off-payroll working (IR35)
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- Stamp Duty and SDLT
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- Notable cases
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- Spinal Injury
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- Conflicts of Laws
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- Employment
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- Clinical Negligence
- Andrew Burns
- Ashley Greenbank
- Alexander Fernandes
- Dina Lander
- David Bedenham
- Josh Neaman
- Max Schofield
- Aparajita Arya
- Alice Defriend
- HH David Griffith-Jones
- Howard Watkinson
- Christopher Walker
- Thomas Westwell
- Matthew Bignell
- Joshua Carey
- Hitesh Dhorajiwala
- Charlie Hill
- Rebecca Murray
- HH Jeffrey Burke
- Anna Greenley
- Sam Way
- John Platts-Mills
- Harry Sheehan
- Colm Kelly
- Paul Emerson
- Matthew Sellwood
- Marianne Tutin
- Marika Lemos
- Aparna Nathan
- Bayo Randle
- Ishaani Shrivastava
- Katya Hosking
- Georgia Hicks
- Stephen Cottrell
- Sebastian Purnell
- Richard Royle
- Jesse Crozier
- Georgina Hirsch
- Kate Balmer
- Christopher Stone
- Samuel Nicholls
- Thomas Cordrey
- Talia Barsam
- Laura Bell
- Lucinda Harris
- Jonathan Butters
- Rachel Avery
- Alice Mayhew
- Rob Hunter
- Shaen Catherwood
- Akash Nawbatt
- Barrie Akin
- Felicity Cullen
- Richard Cartwright
- Peter Edwards
- Richard Harrison
- Colin Mendoza
- Nicholas Bard
- Robert Weir
- Stephen Killalea
- Graham Read
- Robert Glancy
- Colin Edelman
- Bruce Carr
- Upper Tribunal Hands Down Landfill Tax Judgment
- International Women’s Day 2025 - An Interview with Diana Cotton KC
- Kittel and Time Limits
- Robert Weir KC in Anonymity Appeal with Interim Guidance
- Devereux members ranked within Chambers Global Guide 2025
- Court of Appeal loosens ‘exceptional circumstances’ test
- John Platts-Mills in the High Court as Rugby’s Concussion Trial Moves a Step Closer to Reality
- Kittel success for David Bedenham
- FTT releases decision in Lloyd’s Banking Group Cross Border Group Relief Appeal
- Ashley Greenbank Commences Pupillage at Devereux
- Marika Lemos and David Bedenham Recommended for Appointment as King’s Counsel
- Court of Appeal hands down significant judgment on Blacklisting Regulations 2010
- Robert Weir KC, Jonathan Butters and Tom Westwell feature in The Lawyer’s Top 10 Appeals of 2025
- Devereux nominated in multiple categories at LexisNexis Legal Awards 2025
- Max Schofield in VAT on Sports Drinks appeal
- Upper Tribunal determines conditions for appointing a non-legal representative in the FTT
- Robert Weir KC named The Times Lawyer of the Week
- Refinitiv v HMRC – Court of Appeal upholds Upper Tribunal Decision
- Autumn Statement Brief 2024 on Private Client Aspects – Aparna Nathan KC
- Harry Sheehan comments on Supreme Court’s decision in PGMOL v HMRC
- Win for Robert Weir KC, Jonathan Butters and Thomas Westwell in Court of Appeal test case on motor finance claims
- Football Association successfully defends race claim
- New Rankings for Devereux in Chambers & Partners UK Bar 2025
- Robert Weir KC, Stephen Cottrell, and Tom Westwell nominated for ‘Outstanding Case of the Year’
- New Rankings for Devereux in Legal 500 2025 Guide
- Employment Appeal Tribunal gives comprehensive guidance on the correct approach to applications to extend time
- Dina Lander & Alexander Fernandes commence Pupillage at Devereux
- Josh Neaman commences tenancy at Devereux
- Andrew Burns KC wins Employment Silk of the Year at The Legal 500 Awards 2024
- Supreme Court ruling on Employment Status
- Upper Tribunal decides that IR35 applies to Stuart Barnes’ work for Sky
- Devereux nominated in multiple categories in Chambers & Partners Awards 2024
- High Court strikes out a claim seeking declarations that no tax is due
- New Devereux Appointments to the Attorney General’s Panels
- Court of Appeal reviews correct approach to the EAT’s discretion to extend time to lodge an appeal
- Devereux ranked in Chambers High Net Worth Guide 2024
- Devereux Nominated in Multiple Categories in Legal 500 Bar Awards 2024
- 11 Devereux Members featured in inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List
- John Platts-Mills successfully resists appeal against Covid-19 related Harassment claim
- Upper Tribunal decides gilt strips appeal
- Katya Hosking & Sam Way appointed to the Equality and Human Rights Commission Panel
- First judgment in a judicial review claim concerning the Disguised Remuneration Repayment Scheme 2020
- Ferguson-Davie & Edwards v HMRC: The proper construction of the carried interest provisions
- Jesse Crozier succeeds for BBC in Croxall equal pay claims
- EAT provides guidance on Agnew
- Marianne Tutin Completes Post Office Investigation
- Anna Greenley appears in important EAT Whistleblowing Appeal
- David Bedenham joins Devereux
- Rob Weir KC and Sam Way in Supreme Court Case on Mixed Injuries under the Whiplash Tariff
- Christopher Stone KC appointed King’s Counsel
- EAT Provides First Guidance on New Rule 37(5)
- Upper Tribunal guidance on ‘Place of Effective Management’
- John Platts-Mills and Sam Way Nominated at 2024 Pro Bono Awards
- B Share Scheme fails – Clipperton v HMRC
- Devereux Chambers on The Tax Professionals Podcast
- Max Schofield in Remote Gaming Duty Case
- Devereux members ranked in Chambers Global Guide 2024
- Upper Tribunal Rules £6 million Payment in Settlement of ET Discrimination and Whistleblowing Proceedings was Taxable
- Rob Weir KC and Tom Westwell in Court of Appeal Case on Legal Advice Helpline’s Duty to Caller
- Win in EAT for Marianne Tutin in Race Discrimination Case with Limitation Issues
- Chris Stone appointed King’s Counsel
- Judicial Review and injunctive relief refused in HMRC Publication Decision
- Supreme Court hand down Judgment in Secondary Victim Case
- Christopher Walker Wins Non-Freezing Cold Injury Case at Trial.
- Georgia Hicks represents taxpayers in Court of Appeal decision on the proper fiscal characterisation of payments related to changes in a pension scheme
- Devereux Wins Client Service Set of the Year 2023
- Stephen Killalea KC Wins Personal Injury Silk of the Year 2023
- Colin Edelman KC Awarded Lifetime Achievement Award
- Rob Weir KC in Court of Appeal case on court’s power to order parties to engage in ADR
- Win in Supreme Court for Rob Weir KC, Stephen Cottrell and Thomas Westwell in case on expert evidence, fairness and cross-examination
- Win in Supreme Court for Rob Weir KC and Jonathan Butters on Limitation Case
- Steve Killalea KC and Stephen Cottrell Secure Final Settlement in Family Tragedy
- Dame Ingrid Simler sworn into The Supreme Court
- New Rankings for Devereux in Chambers & Partners UK Bar 2024
- The Upper Tribunal confirms the extent of the section 36 (extended time limit) burden on HMRC
- Dame Ingrid Simler DBE appointed to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.
- Steve Killalea KC wins Employers’ Liability case in Court of Appeal
- Win for Rob Weir KC and Jonathan Butters in PPI case in Supreme Court
- Felicity Cullen KC wins Tax Silk of the Year at The Legal 500 Awards 2023
- Rob Weir KC wins credit hire appeal
- Timothy Brennan KC - A Tribute
- EAT gives guidance on reasonable adjustments to be made by the Tribunal for claimants with autistic spectrum condition
- Devereux nominated in multiple categories in Chambers & Partners Awards 2023
- Upper Tribunal confirms that car allowances are free of NIC
- Upper Tribunal determines test for ‘exceptional circumstances’
- New Devereux Appointments to the Attorney General’s Panels
- Court of Appeal defines transnational matters for European Works Council agreements
- New Rankings for Devereux in Chambers & Partners - Tax: Private Client
- Upper Tribunal Confirms Approach to Deductibility of Employee Expenses
- Alice Defriend and Aparajita Arya join Devereux as Tenants after Successful Pupillage
- Devereux Nominated in Multiple Categories in Legal 500 Bar Awards 2023
- Rob Weir KC in Supreme Court Consent Case
- Devereux Members involved in Professional Game Match Officials Limited v HMRC
- High Court hands down judgment in £10m VAT legitimate expectation case
- Capital Allowances in the Supreme Court
- Aparna Nathan KC and Ishaani Shrivastava appear in the latest case on interpreting extra statutory concessions
- Glenn Billenness appointed as Director of Clerking and Business Development
- Interim Declaration halts RCN Industrial Action
- Max Schofield in VAT zero-rating of Turmeric Shots
- Upper Tribunal confirms IR35 applies to Eamonn Holmes’ work for ITV
- Devereux Tax Essay Competition - Now Accepting Submissions
- PAYEr Beware: Analysing the Treatment of Employment Status in Atholl House and Kickabout
- Sizing up the competition - The Upper Tribunal considers the public authority VAT exemption in Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v Revenue and Customs
- Murphy: earnings and settlement agreements
- Fire-and-rehire - is it lawful?
- IR35: a divergence between ‘employment’ for tax purposes and for employment purposes?
- The Court of Appeal’s guidance on IR35 employment status
- What is sufficient notice of allegations of fundamental dishonesty? (Jenkinson v Robertson)
- When a judge is asked to award an interim payment, should they be told about negotiations to settle?
- Business on own account?
- UK Tax Appeal Decision Provides Important Lessons on Use of Expert Evidence
- Clinical negligence secondary victim claims limited by Court of Appeal (Paul v Royal Wolverhampton)
- Recent developments in Covid-19 Business Interruption litigation
- The Court of Appeal’s ruling in PGMOL: seven lessons on mutuality of obligation
- Black History Month: I wouldn’t have made it to the Bar without my dad
- The Future of Employment: Purposive Interpretation and the Role of Contract after Uber
- The high income child benefit charge post-Wilkes
- Daarasp and anor v HMRC
- After Uber: Purposive Interpretation and the Future of Contract
- Brexit - product liability, package holiday personal injury claims and rail accidents in the EU
- Analysis of the Supreme Court’s decision in the FCA Covid-19 Test Case
- Life expectancy evidence - practical considerations for PI and clinical negligence claims
- The Secretary of State’s power to issue directions to Ofcom under the Communications Act 2003
- “Minor procedural changes” or a circumvention of crucial safeguards?
- Business Interruption Insurance and the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Covid-19 and its effect on contractual obligations
- Out of the Ordinary: Rob Hunter and Bethany Sanders on the Courts’ Approach to Life Expectancy Evidence
- Family value: the difficulty in valuing a mother’s care
- When may a parent company be liable for harm caused by the operations of its subsidiary: new developments in Vedanta Resources plc v Lungowe
- UK Response to new trade Unions strategies for new forms of employment’
- Supreme Court sets out test for disclosure of court documents to non-parties
- Developments in Parent Company Liability
- Reform of IR35 in the private sector
- IWGB v RooFoods: Status, Rights and Substitution
- First-tier Tribunal: clarity on taxation of compensation for discrimination during employment
- One year after the opening of the water market - deemed contract turmoil in the pipeline?
- Sexual harassment in the workplace
- Court of Appeal rules on ‘fundamental dishonesty’ (Howlett and another v Davies and Ageas Insurance Ltd)
- Trends following the Communications (Access to Infrastructure) Regulations 2016
- Balancing Act
- Should the EU address conflict of laws questions thrown up by cross-border capital markets?
- Strike pay deductions: the consequences of Hartley
- Whistleblowing protection: a fluid approach
- Uplifts: where to next?
- Covert Surveillance and Social Media: From Big Brother to Love Island
- Whip-lash away?
- Jazztel: restitution and retrospectivity
- Court of Appeal clarifies scope of whistleblowing protection
- To remit or not to remit?
- Subject access: the battle lines are redrawn
- Secretary of State v Windle: The Expanding Frontiers of Mutuality of Obligation?
- COT3s, settlement agreements and maternity pay
- Govia derailed: appeals to EU law rejected by the Court of Appeal
- Not just any contract
- The Future of The Employment Court
- Vicarious Liability: An Ever Expanding Concept
- Agency workers blowing the whistle: time to revisit the scope of protection?
- Access to infrastructure – new rights for the digital economy
- Personal injury: spinal injuries
- Domicile
- Setting the agenda ~ What’s the issue?
- Intimidating behaviour striking out and other options
- Apprenticeships: potential pitfalls
- Concurrent claims in tort and contract: test for remoteness of damage
- Redundancy payments and lay-off: an appropriate balance?
- How to restrain a vexatious employment tribunal litigant
- Vicarious liability even without employment contract
- Taxing talent: principle and pragmatism
- No prospects? Part 2: deposit orders in discrimination and whistleblowing cases
- Will the Trade Union Bill help or hinder industrial relations?
- No prospects ? Part 1: strike out in discrimination and whistleblowing cases
- Exploring the taxation of ‘injury to feelings’ termination payments
- Immunity of Police Misconduct Panel from employment claims
- Supreme Court hears important fatal accidents appeal in Knauer v MOJ
- Dealing with whistleblowing claims: tips for in-house lawyers
- A distinct break ~ the Upper Tribunal decision in HMRC v James Glyn
- Disciplinary investigations: when is HR advice appropriate?
- Dropbox: an acceptable method of serving documents on the EAT?
- The Insurance Act 2015 ~ Let’s pretend
- Coventry v Lawrence: old style costs regime survives human rights challenge
- Company v director: who pays for wrongdoing?
- Excluding documents from the bundle ~ A practical view from the tribunal
- Industrial action: performance and pay
- Tax on awards for injured feelings in discrimination cases
- Catastrophic injury: an exercise in persuasion
- Future imperfect
- EAT split on 10% uplift to discrimination awards
- Unfair relationships ~ Recent cases provide clarity but consumers lose out on agency provisions
- UK Supreme Court upholds CAT’s assessment of Ofcom’s 08x numbers determinations
- Issue estoppel in jurisdiction disputes
- The new capital gains tax regime for non-residents
- Sharing bundle preparation costs
- Taxation of termination: update from the Tax Tribunal
- Breaching a ‘commercial trust’
- The fraudulent devices principle now appears to be past praying for
- Strike laws and party politics
- Time-over on holiday underpayments
- Upper Tribunal decides on correct treatment of bonus clawback payments
- FHR European: the Supreme Court on bribes and constructive trusts
- Taking a Tax Appeal
- Devereux Pupillage Information Webinar | 23 January 2025
- Devereux Junior Employment Seminar - February 2025
- Devereux Junior Employment Seminar
- Devereux Junior Employment Seminar
- City University Students Pupillage Event
- Devereux Summer Employment Party
- Devereux AI Roundtable
- Devereux Summer Tax Party
- Devereux Junior Employment Seminar
- Colin Edelman KC Retirement Dinner
- ELBA Event hosted by Lady Justice Simler
- ELBA Industrial Relations Webinar
- Legal Cheek Virtual Pupillage Fair
- Devereux 70th Anniversary Party
- Devereux Summer Tax Party
- Junior Employment Practitioner Seminar - Restrictive Covenants
- ELA Mock Employment Tribunal
- 22 QCs 2021
- Junior Employment Practitioner Webinar - TUPE: a beginner’s guide
- Law and Jurisdiction in Reinsurance - Reinsurance Working Party of AIDA International
- BILA Virtual Lecture - The Law of Reinsurance- topics from the 3rd edition
- Webinar: COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims - The Unresolved Issues
- Webinar Series: Discrimination Law Updates
- Webinar: Insurance Decisions of the Supreme Court: Insurance Policy or Public Policy?
- Insights and reflections on the Supreme Court judgment in the Covid-19 insurance test case
- Family Friendly Law
- Junior Employment Seminar: Indirect Discrimination: A Junior Practitioner’s Guide
- Money, money, money! An introduction to pay claims
- 22 QCs on the Hot Employment Law Issues 2018-19
- Industrial Disease Update
- Gross Misconduct: Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask…and cocktails
- A Smuggler’s Tale – Lessons from the High Seas
- Aggregation – a Series of Unfortunate Events?
- The Discount Rate: Whatever Next?
- Injunctions and how to get them
- Non-Doms Legislation Reforms: What You Need To Know
- Versloot: The Future for Collateral Lies
- Twitter ye not: Data Protection breaches in the workplace
- Employment Tribunal Procedure - Tips and Tactics
- The Future of the Employment Court ~ post-fees and post-Brexit
- Employment law in the context of advising schools
- The Insurance Act 2015 - A New Dawn?
- The Post Claims Club
- Damages for late payment of insurance claims ~ All change for the Settlement Express?
- Next Generation Personal Injury
- RBA and Criminal Bar Association: a joint panel discussion
- Expert witnesses in personal injury cases
- Anti-money laundering and financial crime conference 2015 ~ Keeping pace with change
- PIBA Annual Conference 2016
- Comparative techniques of obtaining oral evidence in international arbitration
- Liability insurance conference ~ Walking shadows in the night
- Current employment law issues faced by in-house lawyers
- How to argue consent, causation and candour in clinical negligence cases
- Managing a trust business in 2015
- Tax planning for non-domiciliaries
- Understanding and challenging Ofsted ~ a legal perspective
- High Court litigation - Restrictive covenants, confidentiality and injunctions: what’s new?
- Crossing the line: when ‘avoidance’ escalates to a criminal investigation
- ARIAS UK: AGM and workshop conference
- 22 QCs on the hot issues in employment law for 2015-16
- LSE Law public debate: a question of law and wealth
- Fourth international white collar crime institute
- Practical tax planning 2015
- Regulatory certainty in fast-moving competitive markets
- ELA 2015 conference and dinner
- Serious personal injury and clinical negligence update ~ Best practice and litigation tactics
- Competition law event at Konkurrensverket, Sweden
- BILA Mock Trial - Insurance Act 2015
- The 2015 midyear event of the ABA International Labour and Employment Law Committee
- Resolving tax disputes event
- The application of the anti-circumvention provisions in sanction cases
- Sweet & Maxwell’s Second Annual Employment Law Conference
- The effects under English law of sanctions and ways to mitigate them
- 9th Junior competition conference
- Serious personal injury update ~ Best practice and litigation tactics
- International asbestos litigation forum 2015
- UK GAAR: Impact on private clients conference 2015
- Insurance cover for liability for abuse
- UK landscape for non-res and non-dom property investment
- The new tax landscape for collateral debts and for property owned by non-residents
- Tax seminar
- Tax Journal Masterclass
- Urbano Finance
- Product liability seminar
- Employment Law in the Context of Advising Schools
- Tax roundtable
- Tax roundtable
- Tax roundtable
- Tax roundtable
- Professional Negligence seminar
- Professional Negligence seminar
- Professional Negligence seminar
- Employment Status
- City Book Fair
- Legacy Insurance, Asbestos and Latent Claims
- School Admissions Exclusions and Appeals
- Annual Bar Conference
- Hot Issues in Employment Law in 2012
- Professional Indemnity Seminar
- Commercial Law Seminar
- Bean on Injunctions - Sweet & Maxwell (2024)
- Injunctions - Sweet & Maxwell (14th edition)
- The Law of Reinsurance (3rd edition, 2021)
- Tax Avoidance (4th edition) by Rebecca Murray (2020)
- Discrimination Law - Bloomsbury Professional (2016)
- Injunctions - Sweet & Maxwell (12th edition)
- Book review ~ ‘Human Rights Law’ by Merris Amos (2nd edition)
- Residence of Individuals under Tax Treaties and EC Law (2010)
- The Law of Reinsurance (2nd edition, 2013)
- Employment in Schools: A Legal Guide (2007)
- Health & Safety the Modern Legal Framework (2nd edition)
- Sports Injury Law and Practice (2002)
- Bean on Injunctions (11th edition)
- The Law of Education (2nd edition, 2004)
- McCutcheon on Inheritance Tax (6th edition)
- Employment Aspects of Business Reorganisations (2006)
- IER Employment Act 2008
- Equality and Discrimination: The New Law (1st edition, 2010)
- Discrimination Law - Bloomsbury Professional (2012)
- Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law (1996)
- Jordans Employment Law (2011)
- Devereux Pupillage Webinar
- ELA Webinar - Employment in Entertainment
- ELBA Hybrid Webinar
- ELBA Industrial Relations Webinar
- Status Since Uber
- Watch: Enforcement of Foreign Taxes in the United Kingdom
- Limb Injuries: serious injury claims and rehabilitation - key issues in 2022
- Elevenses with Devereux - HMRC v Wilkes
- Elevenses with Devereux - R (Haworth) v HMRC
- The Forstater Judgment from the EAT – What does it really mean?
- Elevenses with Devereux - SDLT: recent developments on the meaning of ‘dwelling’
- COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims - The Unresolved Issues
- Insurance Decisions of the Supreme Court: Insurance Policy or Public Policy?
- Elevenses with Devereux - Tricky Treaty Points
- Elevenses with Devereux - End of Year Review & Panel Discussion
- Elevenses with Devereux - The Taxation of Interest and its Sources
- Elevenses with Devereux - Charman v HMRC: the scope and application of the “by reason of employment” test
- Junior Tax Practitioner Webinars
- Elevenses with Devereux - Fowler v HMRC: implications for the interpretation of double taxation conventions
- Elevenses with Devereux - Partnerships and Inheritance Tax
- Elevenses with Devereux - A Practical Insight into Mutual Agreement Procedures
- Elevenses with Devereux - Transfer of Assets Abroad: key features and case update
- Elevenses with Devereux - Embiricos, Levy & Henkes: To close or not to close?
- Elevenses with Devereux - Farming losses: when is the restriction to sideways loss relief lifted?
- Elevenses with Devereux - Judicial review as a remedy in the tax context
- Elevenses with Devereux - An Update on the FTT with Judge Sinfield
- Elevenses with Devereux - Partnerships and Enquiries
- COVID-19 Insurance Notifications
- Elevenses with Devereux - Unallowable Purpose
- Elevenses with Devereux - SDLT and the definition of “Residential Property”
- COVID-19 Business Interruption Insurance Claims
- Elevenses with Devereux - LLPs: Mixed Membership Partnership Rules and Profit Attribution
- Elevenses with Devereux - COVID-19: implications for corporate residence and individual residence under the SRT
- Elevenses with Devereux - Arron Banks v HMRC: the implications for discrimination claims in the tax context
- IR35 for Employment Lawyers - ELA
- IR35 tax case update June 2019
- Employment tax in 2017
- TU Bill: plus certification officer power changes
- Vicarious liability: the two stages of the test and what the Supreme Court has had to say in Cox and Mohamud
- Non-UK domiciliaries: the new Residential Property Tax
Practice Managers
- Glenn Billenness
- Cyrus Biggs
- Chris Downes
- Rob Adams
- Curtis Clarke
- Evie Barnes
- Sam Ismail
- Ben Rinaldi
- Leonie Edelman
- Rhiannan Beasley
- Bryanna Bondzie
- George Foxall
- Charvia Kyazze
Business Services
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Latest from Devereux
Upper Tribunal Hands Down Landfill Tax Judgment... read more
International Women’s Day 2025 - An Interview with Diana Cotton KC... read more
Kittel and Time Limits... read more