Richard Cartwright

 ‘ Richard shows a very great attention to detail and in particular is excellent with calculating losses. ’

Legal 500 2024

Richard Cartwright

Year of Call: 1994

Richard Cartwright was called to the Bar in 1994. He previously worked as a chartered accountant for KPMG specialising in media and technology. His skill set features a facility with accounting information which instructing solicitors have found useful.

He specialises in high value personal injury claims, particularly those with complex loss of earnings calculations. He has considerable experience in birth trauma litigation, including cerebral palsy of varying aetiology and Erb’s Palsy.

His caseload regularly features £2million plus claims. A recent settlement in which he was involved exceeded £30 million. He regularly appears against Leading Counsel.

At Devereux Chambers he works exclusively for Claimants.

  • Recommendations

    ‘Fantastic, first-rate senior barrister. He is approachable and makes pragmatic decisions on complex cases, leading through to brilliant results for clients.’ - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2024

    ‘ Richard shows a very great attention to detail and in particular is excellent with calculating losses.’ - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2024

    ‘Richard shows a very great attention to detail and in particular is excellent with calculating losses.’ - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2023

    'A formidable intellect. Approachable and good with clients.' - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2023

    An experienced junior who is a former chartered accountant and highly skilled on quantum. He is particularly well regarded for his expert handling of birth injury claims, including cerebral palsy and Erb's palsy cases. "He is absolutely fantastic, collaborative in his approach and a very good strategist." "He's excellent with clients and really good at handling cases which need sensitivity." - Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK 2022.

    Brings an attention to detail that few can match and is regularly instructed in complex quantum disputes. His practice focuses on claimant-side catastrophic injury and clinical negligence litigation. He has experience of handling a variety of life-changing cases, often involving a foreign national. He is particularly well regarded for his expertise in neurotrauma claims. "A very knowledgeable and analytical barrister who is incredibly empathetic." - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2022.

    "One of the strongest senior juniors at the clinical negligence Bar. He is wonderful with clients, and he has a particular skill in providing clear and cogent advice."Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2022. 

    "Richard shows a very great attention to detail and in particular is excellent with calculating losses."Personal Injury, Legal 500 2022. 

    "He provides very strong technical and strategic advice." "He's brilliant - like a dog with a one when it comes to achieving the impossible." "Fantastic in relation to quantum and very good with clients."Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK Bar 2021

    Brings an attention to detail that few can match and is regularly instructed in complex quantum disputes. His practice focuses on claimant-side catastrophic injury and clinical negligence litigation. He has experience of handling a variety of life-changing cases, often involving a foreign national. He is particularly well regarded for his expertise in neurotrauma claims. "He is charming and persuasive in court, and his written work is very detailed. He is also excellent with clients." Acted for a claimant cyclist who suffered a serious brain injury after colliding with a motorcycle - Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2021

    “Makes excellent judgement calls and is completely trusted by clients and solicitors alike.” - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2021

    "Has superb judgement and an ability to take a step back from a case and look at the issues in the round." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2021

    "He's very empathetic with clients in difficult circumstances and delivers clear advice." "He is very tenacious and a formidable negotiator in settlement meetings. He achieves fantastic results." - Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK Bar 2020

    "He is really good on calculations. He also has a lovely manner with families and young children." - Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2020

    ‘His ability to take a step back from a complex case and look at the issues in the round is impressive.’ - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2020

    ‘Extremely good with figures and pleading of schedules.’ - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2020

    "Very accomplished senior junior. Extremely approachable, extraordinarily thorough and highly intelligent. He has excellent attention to detail." Acted in a cerebral palsy claim where delivery was delayed and exposure to infection allegedly resulted. - Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK Bar 2019

    "Down-to-earth and approachable with clients." "He's very analytical, good at quantum and very detailed." Instructed in Webster and Philips v D, handling the assessment of damages in a road traffic claim where the claimants were both injured and were unable to develop their B&B offering on the Dorset coast. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK Bar 2019

    ‘He is one of the strongest senior juniors at the Bar with a phenomenal intelligence providing fantastic advice on all issues of liability and quantum.’ - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2019

    ‘Extremely good with figures, able to adapt to all clients and very knowledgeable in the area.’ - Personal Injury, Industrial Disease and Insurance Fraud, Legal 500 2019

    "Skilful with impressive attention to detail." "Very thorough and analytical. Delivers calm, measured advice." - Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK 2018

    “Great with clients and very tenacious in his approach.” “Extremely diligent and very knowledgeable on damages.” Acted in a claim concerning a traumatic brain injury sustained in a road traffic accident. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2018

    "One of the elite senior junior counsel on the medical negligence circuit." - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2017

    "Very good on detail and at commanding the figures." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2017

    "He's rated extremely highly, he just gets it." "Very organised, excellent client skills." Appeared for the claimant in Amy Werner v Geoffrey Lederman. The matter concerned an elderly driver who injured nine pedestrians, one of whom was an American student who suffered brain damage and lost sight in one eye. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2017

    "Passionate about getting the best result every time, he leaves no stone unturned." "He is very approachable, never gives up on a case and will go the extra mile." "He can take on a case which looks hopeless and turn it around." - Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK 2017

    "Brilliant on tactics, yet able to view both sides of the argument." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2016

    "He takes on cases others shy away from."- Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2016

    An accomplished senior junior whose caseload encompasses a variety of clinical negligence claims, and has a special emphasis on matters pertaining to birth, spinal and brain injuries. “He's very thorough and has an excellent grasp of the technical issues but is very approachable and good with clients too.” “He masters complex quantum matters which would escape many.” Brought a claim against Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust in connection with an alleged delay in the diagnosis of a spinal infection which left the claimant dependent on a wheelchair. - Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK 2016

    Acts on both clinical negligence and serious personal injury cases. Observers are keen to note his technical expertise and his aptitude in quantum issues. "He is absolutely excellent. He was an accountant so is fantastic on quantum." Represented the claimant in Thind v Phull, a seven-figure claim relating to a severe brain injury. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2016

    "His mastery of medicine and quantum ensures that clients receive premier representation." - Clinical Negligence, Legal 500 2015

    "His attention to detail and thoroughness are a particular strength." - Personal Injury, Legal 500 2015

    A top-rated junior with 20 years' experience at the Bar, who is widely appreciated for his specialist clinical negligence and personal injury practice. A former chartered accountant, he is noted by market sources for his knowledge of quantum issues. "Richard Cartwright has a 'can do' approach to everything. He thrives on complex cases and is tenacious in getting the best result for the client. He is an intelligent and caring barrister." Acted for a wife in a dependency damages claim following the death of her husband. The husband had died from a haemorrhage after spinal surgery. - Clinical Negligence, Chambers UK 2015

    An eminent junior with a considerable personal injury practice that covers mostly high-end head and back injuries incurred on the roads and highways. His background in finance means he is good at structuring schedules of loss and other damages work. "He is very good on detail and up to date on all developments in the law." "He engages well with clients and tends to be more innovative than other barristers." Managed to obtain a £2.1 million settlement for a neurologically injured claimant who suffers from speech deficit and dysarthria following an RTA. - Personal Injury, Chambers UK 2015

    "A skilled negotiator who never gives up" and "his grasp of the technical issues in a case is invariably excellent" Legal 500 2014

    Richard Cartwright is a junior who handles a good deal of high-value cases covering conditions such as cerebral palsy, jaundice and Erb’s palsy. His experience as a chartered accountant assists him in tackling the complex financial calculations involved in quantum claims. “He is meticulous with his figures and his attention to detail is very good. He is also innovative in the way he thinks about cases, and doesn’t like to let things go as he simply wants the best for the client.” Acted for a claimant who suffered from high-severity cerebral palsy, following the alleged mismanagement of the claimant’s mother’s admission to hospital immediately prior to term. - Chambers UK 2014

    The "solid and reliable" Richard Cartwright is equally comfortable on liability and quantum. He handles clients "with great sensitivity," and is excellent in negotiation and "fantastic with figures," according to those that instruct him. - Chambers UK 2013

    Richard Cartwright has "excellent client care skills, is an able negotiator and is good with figures." He uses these skills to good effect on the full spectrum of clinical negligence work. It is, however, his work on quantum that particularly impresses. Cartwright is a firm favourite with the market as "he makes difficult claims as pleasurable as they can be." - Chambers UK 2012

    'Brilliant counsel to work with’ and ‘a real team player who adds value with and without silk’. - Legal 500 2011

    Has the reputation of being "really good on complex quantum issues," and he is often instructed on very complex claims in this area. - Chambers UK 2011

    Widely praised for his ‘attention to detail on medical and quantum issues’, ‘meticulous preparation’ and ‘absolute commitment’. - Legal 500 2010

    ‘Excellent with complicated special damages calculations and forensic accountancy evidence’. - Legal 500 2010

  • Personal Injury

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    Recent cases include:

    • H v F - An RTA claim settled at a round table meeting for the lump sum equivalent of £3.34 million at full liability. C, a lady aged 70, had severe cognitive and physical disabilities and suffered from epilepsy and dysarthria. She was able to ambulate with assistance around her home but was dependent upon a wheelchair for mobility outside it. She was supported there by her ex-husband. The case plan was to maintain her in her own home with his daily assistance for as long as possible and the settlement sum obtained was sufficient to achieve this
    • I v M - Following an door of court settlement on liability in this RTA matter, C recovered by settlement an equivalent sum of £3.26 million, including periodical payments, for his severe brain injuries resulting in severe personality disorder and alcohol abuse
    • P v XY plc - A settlement of US$2.275 million in a fatal claim arising out of mesothelioma attributed to secondary exposure to asbestos
  • Clinical Negligence

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    Recent cases include:

    • K v L NHS Trust - A claim for loss of mother and wife following her death through mismanaged pre-eclampsia during pregnancy settled at £450,000, liability admitted
    • J v Spire Hospitals & anor - C was rendered tetraplegic as a consequence of post-operative complication allegedly due to substandard care following spinal surgery at a private hospital. A round table meeting prior to the trial on liability failed to achieve agreement but last minute negotiations led to a settlement against one defendant on favourable terms as to both liability and costs
    • R v W NHS Trust - Damages recovered of over £300,000 in respect of Erb’s Palsy injury to non-dominant upper limb classified as a Group 2 injury. Liability and causation in issue throughout but the settlement sum reflected no liability discount on Richard’s advice
    • B v K NHS Trust - C sustained asphyxia brain damage at birth leading to cerebral palsy. Liability had been previously compromised at 85%. Settlement negotations led to an overall agreed award of £5.4 million in lump sum equivalent. The settlement featured the usual stepped periodical payments in respect of care and case management


Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) University of Manchester

Personal Interests

Away from the Bar his interests are travel, music, rugby and air-cooled boxer engines