Devereux Members involved in Professional Game Match Officials Limited v HMRC

On Monday 26 June, The Supreme Court hearing in Professional Game Match Officials Limited v HMRC (UKSC 2021/0220) begins, with Georgia Hicks and Harry Sheehan (both led by Jonathan Peacock KC of 11 New Square Chambers) acting for the Appellant, and Akash Nawbatt KC and Sebastian Purnell acting for the Respondent.

The appeal marks the first opportunity the Supreme Court has had to consider the common law test for employment status since Autoclenz v Belcher in 2011. The Supreme Court will consider the nature and application of the test from Ready Mixed Concrete (first established in 1967), the role of ‘mutuality of obligation’ and the role of ‘control’.

The hearing will last for two full days, finishing on 27 June. A link to the Supreme Court hearing is available here.

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